Why Charity Starts at Home

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to help others. It’s good that you care so deeply about the world around you. But before you start looking into charitable causes, I think it’s important to take a good look at your own life and see if there are ways in which you can make things better for yourself and those around you. Often times charity starts at home, so let's talk about how we can all improve our circumstances!

Teach kids the value of generosity.

There are a lot of ways you can teach your children the value of generosity and charity. You could talk about all the ways people have helped you in your life, when you were down on your luck or struggling financially. You can talk about how important it is for them to give back by volunteering at soup kitchens, animal shelters, homeless shelters and more. Or you could simply lead by example by donating time and money yourself!

Feel closer to your community.

Volunteer work can help you feel closer to your community. If you want to get involved with a charity, think about how important it is for people in your community to reach out and help others. For example, maybe there are elderly people who need help around the house or children who could use some tutoring. You could also volunteer at an animal shelter or soup kitchen or homeless shelter. By doing this type of volunteering, many people have said that they feel more connected with their community because they are helping other people within their neighborhood or town. So if this sounds like something that would interest you, consider searching for volunteer opportunities near where you live!

See needs in your neighborhood that matter more than those on the other side of the world.

You'll be surprised at how many needs are right next to you. When we started giving locally, we were shocked at the number of people who needed help right around us. Families in need of food, clothing, and shelter are all around us. We've even seen families that have gone without power for weeks because they can't afford to pay their electric bill!

This charity starts at home approach doesn't just mean giving money or time—it also means getting involved with your community by volunteering or donating your services (like fixing a car).

Don't let yourself get caught up in thinking that only big donations make a difference.

It's easy to feel like you're not making a difference if you can only afford to donate small amounts. Don't let yourself get caught up in thinking that only large donations make a difference. Your contribution might not be big, but it will still help the cause.

It's also important not to let the headlines of large donations persuade you into thinking that your own donation is too small to matter. The intention behind your donation matters more than its size, so don't let yourself feel bad about giving what you can afford—and remember there are many other ways besides cash donations!


It's important to remember that there are many different ways in which we can help others, and not just through donating money or volunteering. A big way I've been able to give back is by being more mindful about what I buy and where it comes from so that less of the profits line corporate pockets instead of helping those in need. If you're looking for new ways to help out your community but aren't sure where to start, here are some ideas:

‍Stanley Bawalan
